What to do when you’ve been burgled
What to do when you’ve been burgled - Hello, I'm Peter, a security consultant with over 40 years of experience in safeguarding homes and businesses from crime by installing the [...]
What to do when you’ve been burgled - Hello, I'm Peter, a security consultant with over 40 years of experience in safeguarding homes and businesses from crime by installing the [...]
Business Premises Security Self-Assessment Checklist - Hertfordshire Constabulary have put together a detailed business premises self-assessment security checklist to encourage businesses to implement security measures to reduce the likelihood of being targeted [...]
Be Aware of Phone-Snatchers - City of London Police is warning people to be on their guard following a number of incidents of mobile phone snatches in which the victim [...]
Crime is Heating Up - Remember insurance doesn’t often pay out on unlocked property. So make sure all of your property is securely locked and your belongings inside. Summer time [...]
Parent’s Safety Advice Guide to Pokémon GO UK - On July 14, 2016, software development company Niantic released Pokémon GO, a mobile game built upon the highly popular Japanese media franchise, in [...]
How to Beat the Bogus Caller - If in doubt, keep them out! The majority of people who call at your home will be genuine. However sometimes people can [...]
Top 6 Priorities for Facilities Managers - Being a facilities manager (FM) is one of the most difficult jobs in any company. The reason for this is that the job [...]
The Security Benefits of Gates & Fencing - Do you live in an area that has a high crime rate? Would your home benefit from improved levels of privacy and [...]
Why Alarms Falsely Trigger - When your security alarm sounds off in the middle of a quiet night, you will feel terrified with the thought that an intruder has entered [...]
Top Ten Crime Prevention Tips UK - There are many countermeasures which can be employed to deter criminals. Here are ten simple ideas to contemplate. Fit deadlocks compliant with BS3621 [...]